Best Dogs For Cuddling

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Dogs are inherently companion animals, and most of them love to cuddle. The best dogs for cuddling are kind, gentle, friendly, and loyal.

Dogs have a reputation for being excellent cuddling companions. Boxers, Pugs, Newfoundlands, Great Danes, and Golden Retrievers are some of the best dogs for cuddling. While all dogs make excellent, loyal buddies, there's something special about those that enjoy cuddling.

Dogs are the only creatures on earth that love you more than they love themselves. Every dog lover will agree with this statement. These loyal cuddle buddies are always willing to wrap themselves up in your lap after a long day. While certain breeds are more distant, independent, and less prone to seek cuddling, others crave constant attention from their owners.

Anyone who owns a dog understands that they become more like family than a pet, and this is because dogs are so caring, soothing, and lovely. So, based on our years of experience with dogs, owning them, breeding them, and taking care of them, we have compiled a list of the best dogs for cuddling to help you find the perfect cuddle partner.

In this article

‍Best Dogs for Cuddling

When you and your dog create a special bond, they'll show you affection every time they're around you, which is true of almost any breed. Of course, different breeds of dogs have different personalities, and some are naturally cuddlier than others. The most loving dog breeds will exhibit affection to just about everybody, all of the time.

Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers are intelligent, fun-loving, calm, sweet, and one of the most popular breeds in the United States. As a family pet, they are frequently a top option. Goldens enjoy playing with children, though they can become overly exuberant at times, and their playful energy can be overwhelming to younger children. This breed is also easier to teach than most due to its intelligence and desire to please its owner.

When given enough exercise, this breed remains happy and content. Plus, they love to cuddle up with their owners. Golden Retrievers are among the most affectionate dog breeds available, making them ideal for families. They're terrific with kids, and they'll never refuse a belly rub. They're devoted, caring, and trustworthy dogs.

Cavalier King Charles

Cavalier King Charles
Cavalier King Charles

Since the 17th century, the Cavalier King Charles spaniel has been a popular companion with a caring and calm disposition that has made them so endearing to dog lovers. They were adored by royalty and nobles because they liked to curl up in their laps. Despite being less active than their cocker or springer spaniel ancestors, they are not couch potatoes. They normally like the company of other dogs and live in a multi-pet household, so they will fit in well with an active family lifestyle.



Pomeranians are noted for being extremely loyal, brave, and devoted to their owners, making them excellent cuddling companions. These little canines are used to traveling in packs and need to huddle with to stay warm. They're used to being handled and will paw at you, requesting hugs, tickles, belly rubs, or neck scratching.

Poms are intelligent little dogs who can handle most problems with the appropriate training. They can be sassy and loud, and they like to be in charge. If they were to live with another dog or small children, you would need to be slightly more careful because they often demand to be the focus of attention.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Breeds like the Staffordshire bull terrier (and its close sibling, the American pit bull terrier) have gotten a bad rap because of their history as fighting dogs. They make genuinely lovely family pets that like cuddles in the appropriate setting. The Staffie is a breed that is known for being exceptionally friendly and loyal to its people. Despite its size, this medium-sized, barrel-chested strong dog is notorious for seeking space on your lap at any time. With youngsters, they are tolerant and friendly, and they don't mind an occasional belly rub or two. Staffies get along with other dogs, but you should be cautious when making initial introductions.

The Newfoundland

The Newfoundland
The Newfoundland

The Newfoundland is a magnificent large breed with a calm, peaceful, and loving temperament. They are commonly referred to as "nanny" dogs since they are extremely loyal and devoted to their family, particularly children. Although not all Newfies seek hands-on care, this dog is known for giving and receiving hugs. Most of them require your presence throughout the day and develop separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time.

Although their size and working history necessitate a lot of activity to avoid boredom and undesirable habits, the breed is generally gentle. You'll need a lot of room and a big yard if you want to own a Newfoundland. These large chunks adore hanging out with you. The Newfoundland is a peaceful and sociable dog that enjoys snuggling up with at the end of a long day, even though they require a lot of exercise. Their fur resembles that of a giant teddy bear, making them ideal for petting, and they're also quite sensitive around youngsters.



Greyhounds are known as the world's fastest dog breed, although they are huge and placid couch potatoes. This delicate species enjoys nothing more than snuggling up next to its owners for a hug and will actively try to grasp your attention. As they try to clamber on top of you, be wary of their bony limbs jabbing you. While they are noted for being gentle, they can have a strong prey drive. So, when introducing them to other small dogs or cats, exercise caution.



Chihuahuas are among the tiniest dog breeds, but they have some of the most outgoing dispositions. People are generally drawn to the breed because of their snarky personalities. They form great ties with their owners, and nothing beats a warm lap snuggle at the end of a long day. Even though they're small dogs, they require adequate activity, and carrying them too much will hinder them from staying in shape. If they are not acclimated to people and places at their level, too much carrying can make them feel scared. These small dogs can make wonderful companions with proper training and socialization.

The Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise
Bichon Frise

The BichonFrisebreed is popular among pet owners because of its cute cotton-ball appearance. Despite its lovely appearance, this multifaceted dog is full of activity and is best suited to an active household with plenty of entertainment and exercise. They enjoy playing and are a great choice for families with children. They have a strong desire for attention and enjoy cuddling with their owners. They need to live in a place where they will have company for the majority of the day because they are people-oriented.

This smaller type of dog is far too adorable to resist cuddling, and luckily for you, they thrive on it. Their fluffy coat makes them ideal lap dogs, and they will happily curl up in a ball on your lap or next to you on the sofa. They feel protected and appreciate the companionship of their owners, so they'll frequently make themselves at home at the foot of your bed.

Bull Dog

Bull Dog
Bull Dog

Bulldogs are really affectionate, but they can be great snoozers. They crave attention and get more relaxed as they grow older, so expect a regular cuddling partner if you bond with them when they're young. They are quiet, kind, and friendly, and their little stature makes them particularly cuddly. Bulldogs are calm, tolerant dogs that make wonderful companions - they're just as wonderful as they appear. They're extremely versatile and wonderful companions for people of all ages, and their gregarious nature makes them one of the most lovable dog breeds available. They adore curling up in the warmth and lavishing affection on their owners.

Alaskan Klee Kai

Alaskan Klee Kai
Alaskan Klee Kai

Although the Alaskan Klee Kai is little, their large personalities and hearts make them the most faithful and loving companions. This breed forms strong bonds with its owners and will stay by their side for the rest of their lives.

Apart from their affectionate personalities, this breed is also quite bright, learning commands quickly and excelling in obedience and agility. They're also a very talkative breed that enjoys interacting and cuddling with their owners.

The Alaskan Klee Kai is an excellent companion animal, but they do not like to be left alone. Although there are actions you can take to help your dog with separation anxiety, this breed does not appreciate being alone, so it's best if you can keep your new pet with you at all times.

The Great Dane

Great Dane
Great Dane

The Great Dane is another gentle dog that enjoys cuddling with its owners. While they may appear scary to some, a Great Dane appreciates nothing more than a kiss and a snuggle to demonstrate how much you care about them. They're fantastic for relaxing in bed or on the sofa while watching Netflix, and they'll keep an eye on you while you sleep to keep you safe. It may sound paradoxical, but Great Danes adore cuddling.

They were once known as gentle giants because they enjoy snuggling close to the people they care about and can't stand being alone. Great Danes are one of the most patient and friendly canines around, towering above other dogs and most humans on their hind legs. They may make people cower at the sight of them, but they are one of the most patient and friendliest pups to be around.



Boxers are known for being quiet, yet they are highly loyal to their owners and enjoy showing it by snuggling. They're known as "shadows" since they'll follow you around the house and mature faster than other dogs, slowing down at three or four years old. After a long day of exercise, which is absolutely necessary for this particular breed, boxers will happily lay next to you and gladly cherish your cuddles.



There's a reason why people can carry Yorkies everywhere they go, and it has nothing to do with their small size. Yorkies have a sociable, sweet, and lively nature that requires a lot of attention. They are ideal for anyone looking for a dog who will stay by their side at all times. Yorkies can be a touch snappy at times, but they're generally really affectionate and sweet dogs.

Irish Wolfhounds

Irish Wolfhounds
Irish Wolfhounds

Don't be fooled by their size: Irish Wolfhounds are gentle giants who are extremely affectionate and compassionate. They're also incredibly playful and laid-back, so they get along well with other dogs and children. Irish Wolfhounds are amiable and enjoy being caressed, and they don't mind being in the company of strangers due to their outgoing disposition. The main thing to know about them is that they need a lot of activity and exercise, so you might not want to get one unless you have a huge backyard.

Why Do Dogs Enjoy Cuddling?

You know how cute a puppy pile is if you've ever seen one. However, aside from being the prettiest thing imaginable, it makes evolutionary sense. To keep warm, puppies snuggle with one another. When you become cold, you can curl up under a blanket or throw on an extra layer, but it's not so simple for our dogs.

Dogs cuddle for a variety of reasons, including warmth, bonding, and the production of neurotransmitters that make them feel happy. Cuddling dates back to when dogs relied on their own body heat to stay warm. They stayed warm by interacting with each other and other humans.

Cuddling is a natural instinct for dogs from the start of their lives. Cuddling with a dog also releases the hormone oxytocin, which has a calming and soothing impact, and merely three minutes of cuddling between a dog and its owner has been found to enhance oxytocin levels in both humans and dogs.

This demonstrates that dog hugging is helpful not only to the dog but also to humans. Dog cuddles after meals equate to a strong love between humans and dogs. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that dogs who get affection perform better on tasks.

However, cuddling, believe it or not, has some drawbacks. Dogs enjoy snuggling in their owners' beds. Dogs adore sleeping next to their owners, but they often bring a variety of bugs and bacteria that you don't want in your comfy covers. Furthermore, certain sorts of hugging, such as bear-style hugs, are not appreciated by dogs. Hugging dogs has been demonstrated to produce anxiety and undesirable behaviors in dogs. So, when it comes to your cuddling at home, pay heed to their reactions.

Cuddling can be encouraged most of the time. Hanging out on the couch with your dog, putting his head on your lap while you watch TV is certainly beneficial for both of you, but you might want to reconsider hugging too much and letting them sleep in your bed.

According to studies, both you and your dog produce more oxytocin when you snuggle and connect with them. Oxytocin, sometimes known as the "love hormone," is a molecule that promotes feelings of happiness and love, strengthening your bond with your pet. Cuddling has a number of psychological advantages for both you and your pet. It lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone that causes anxiety, despair, and, in the worst-case situations, a mental breakdown. You are more likely to feel happy, healthier, and relaxed if your Cortisol levels are lower. Cuddling your dog — or anyone else you care about, for that matter — has been shown to reduce your risk of stroke in studies.