Dog Ate Chicken Bones & Has Diarrhea (What To Do)

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Key Takeaways

  • To deal with a dog who ate chicken bones and has diarrhea, visit the vet for prescription medication and emergency care to prevent any serious issues.
  • To further help the dog deal with this, temporarily change their eating to a bland diet and keep the dog well-hydrated to help with digestion.
  • Other risks dogs face when eating chicken bones includes bacteria infections, choking or suffocating, and a GI tract tear.

If a dog eats chicken bones, it can get sick. When this happens, and they have diarrhea, it’s important not to panic and know what to do to help them.

When a dog who ate chicken bones has diarrhea, we recommend visiting the vet for prescription medication and emergency care to prevent any serious issues. We also suggest temporarily changing their eating to a bland diet and keeping the dog well-hydrated to help with digestion.

If a dog has diarrhea from eating chicken bones, it is important to maintain the pet’s diet and provide plenty of water. We have spoken with vets about this problem, and they have also provided us with in-depth research on the topic. Keep reading to learn more below.

In this article

Dog Ate Chicken Bones & Has Diarrhea (What To Do)

Whether they are getting into the trash or finding food left on the floor, dogs tend to get into things they shouldn't. One example is eating old chicken bones, which often results in diarrhea.

Diarrhea is a mild symptom and is not something worth panicking over right away. We always like to contact a vet in these scenarios and look for other symptoms that could indicate a bigger health concern is present.

Bigger dogs can handle eating chicken bones better than smaller dogs. Anybody with a smaller dog should immediately visit the vet for some medication or emergency care if needed.

The dog typically digests the bones after a few days, and diarrhea subsides, but it can be worrisome at first. We recommend getting medication, changing their diet, and keeping them well-hydrated.

Visit The Vet For Medication And Emergency Care

Make a vet appointment if the dog has diarrhea or if they are showing any signs of dehydration, such as excessive panting or lethargy, sunken eyes, dry mouth, or decreased urination frequency.

If it seems more serious, skip the appointment and go straight to the vet for an emergency visit. This is to try and catch any issues with digestion or internal issues like a GI tract tear.

We also want to do everything we can to ensure the dog is comfortable. There are ways to help with diarrhea, and the vet can prescribe the proper medication for quick relief.

Temporarily Change Their Eating To A Bland Diet

Offer them a bland diet, such as small pieces of white bread, which will help settle their stomachs and provide them with much-needed nutrients.

This is also a way to soften up their stomach to make it easier for them to pass the chicken bones. The change in diet will help the dog recover faster and avoid having to go through more serious treatments.

It’s also a good idea to temporarily remove dog food from the diet to feed them cleaner protein sources. This works best in two or three-day increments to see how the dog responds to the change.

Keep The Dog Well Hydrated

Make sure that the dog is drinking enough water. If not, add more fresh water to their bowl and always keep it full. Keeping them hydrated will help these symptoms pass by faster while keeping them healthy.

Proper hydration will speed up digestion for a dog who ate chicken bones. This helps diarrhea go away faster.

It’s also a good idea to add small amounts of bone broth to their water. This doesn’t impact hydration and helps speed up their digestion even more.

How Bad Are Chicken Bones for Dogs?

Dogs eat bones that are left on the ground, and they can get stuck in their throats or intestines or even break their teeth. They may also swallow part of the bone and choke on it.

While some dogs may eat chicken bones, they can potentially cause a lot of damage to the dogs' digestive system and even lead to death.

Bone fragments can get stuck in the dog's throat and make it difficult for them to breathe. It’s best to avoid chicken bones for dogs as a precaution against any serious health problems.

The bone fragments can easily splinter and cause punctures in the intestinal tracts of dogs. This leads to infections, which are often fatal if left untreated.

Not only do the bones present these risks, but they are also not very healthy. They provide no nutritional value, so the only thing they truly provide for a dog is a risk of choking and infection.

Is It Dangerous For Dogs To Eat Chicken Bones?

Dogs cannot digest bones as humans can, so it can be very dangerous for them. This is because the sharp edges of the bone can damage the intestines and stomach, leading to life-threatening conditions in rare instances.

However, this shouldn’t be the primary concern because it’s unlikely. Typically, it causes temporary sickness that needs immediate treatment.

Some veterinarians say that the bones can cause intestinal blockage, and vets all agree they are not safe or nutritious to include in a dog's diet. It’s best to keep them out of reach in all instances for dogs.

Other Risks For Dogs Who Ate Chicken Bones

Dogs who eat chicken bones may experience other health concerns other than diarrhea. This includes a potential bacteria infection, choking, or a GI tract tear.

We’ll explain each of these risks below and what can be done to avoid them to keep dogs healthier.

Bacteria Infection

Raw chicken bones are not safe to eat for dogs. This is also true for raw chicken and other similar meats in many cases.

A raw chicken bone can cause a bacterial infection and potential salmonella in a dog. Diarrhea is a potential symptom of bacterial infections, so this should be considered.

This is why we recommend emergency visits to the vet. They can better diagnose any serious underlying issues while prescribing the best medication to deal with the situation.

Choking Or Suffocating

Another risk associated with chicken bones and dogs is the possibility of choking or suffocating. This is more likely with smaller dogs too.

They can struggle when swallowing them and get lodged in the dog’s throat to block their airway. This is extremely concerning, so if a dog starts coughing heavily, this could be a sign.

We recommend always considering this risk and never feeding full chicken bones to a dog. It’s too risky, and choking hazards are scary situations to deal with.

GI Tract Tear

Dogs love to eat chicken bones because they are crunchy and tasty. But they should be careful with the bones because they can easily tear their GI tract and cause some serious health problems.

When this happens, the sharp ends of the bone cause a tear either in the esophagus or intestinal tract. This is painful, causing inflammation and infections.

This is one of the most serious risks and requires immediate medical care.