My Dog Ate A Whole Pan Of Brownies: What Should I Do Now?

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Key Takeaways

  • If your dog ate a whole pan of brownies, call your vet for advice or try to induce vomiting so they can avoid positioning.
  • Use 3% hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting in dogs.
  • Dark chocolate has much higher toxicity levels for dogs.

As delicious as chocolate, it can be extremely dangerous for our canine companions. So if your dog ate brownies, you must take action immediately.

When my dog ate a whole pan of brownies, I called my veterinarian for advice. They will ask how much chocolate the dog ate and advise you to monitor the dog’s symptoms. If you can’t bring the dog to the vet, they’ll advise you to induce vomiting with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

As pet owners, it's vital to be prepared for these situations and act vigilantly to ensure our beloved pets' safety. The steps mentioned below are based on my personal experience and advice directly from a veterinarian with decades of experience dealing with similar situations.

In this article

My Dog Ate A Whole Pan Of Brownies: What Should I Do Now?

I’ve personally dealt with chocolate poisoning. My dog ate brownies that were sitting on the countertop when I wasn't watching and my nightmare presented itself.

The tray of milk chocolate brownies contained multiple scoops of cocoa powder and even a little dark chocolate. This is a nightmare for a dog’s digestive system.

The most important thing is to stay calm. I was aware of what should be done in this scary situation. I’ll explain what you should do below. I’ll review what your dog can and cannot eat, so you’ll understand when the situation should be treated as a serious concern.

Call Your Veterinarian

The first thing I did was call my veterinarian. It's important to get professional advice as soon as possible, as chocolate can be toxic to dogs even in small amounts. If your vet is unavailable, you should contact your nearest emergency veterinarian.

Let the vet know how many brownies the dog ate (in this case, the whole pan). They will be able to guide you through the next steps based on your dog's size, weight, and the amount of chocolate in the brownies.

Monitor Your Dog's Symptoms

While waiting for the vet's advice, I kept a close eye on my dog to observe any symptoms. Some of the key indicators of chocolate toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, rapid breathing, and increased heart rate.

Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to dogs. Symptoms of chocolate toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, and even death.

Keep a close eye on your dog's behavior and symptoms and report any changes to your veterinarian. Brownie mix typically contains enough chocolate to be worried too.

Induce Vomiting

It's essential to consult your veterinarian before trying to induce vomiting, as it might not always be the right choice. If your vet advises you to induce vomiting, they may suggest using a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.

Follow their instructions carefully to avoid causing harm to your furry friend. We’ll explain how to induce vomiting for your dog in more detail below.

Call The ASPCA Poison Control Hotline

Another option in these situations is to call the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline if you need immediate advice. Call them at (888) 426-4435 for immediate assistance.

The hotline is available 24/7, 365 days per year. They are staffed by experts who can guide you through the process of helping your dog recover from chocolate exposure.

How to Induce Vomiting for Your Dog

If there’s no time to get your dog to the vet, you can induce vomiting at home. It’s only wise to take this step if your dog has eaten brownies or a large enough portion of baking chocolate.

Before attempting to induce vomiting, I'd check that I have 3% hydrogen peroxide ready. Remember, never use any other type of hydrogen peroxide, just the 3% one.

The right dosage is crucial: one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (5 ml) per 10 pounds of the dog's body weight. This dose can be given a maximum of two times.

If you’re nervous or have very little experience doing anything like this, it should only be done under the guidance of a veterinarian. Inducing vomiting can be dangerous if done incorrectly.

After giving the hydrogen peroxide, keep an eye on the time. The substance should make my dog vomit within 15 minutes. If they don't throw up within this timeframe, I can give them another dose, but never more than that.

Lastly, always proceed under the guidance of a veterinarian. Inducing vomiting is a serious matter, and we must ensure the safety and well-being of our furry friends.

Can a Dog Eat Chocolate? Why Chocolate Is Toxic For Dogs

When a dog consumes brownies, they are likely consuming an excessive amount of chocolate. This is dangerous, and they should go to the vet immediately if possible. But let’s review why chocolate (even white chocolate) is bad for dogs.

Theobromine And Caffeine

The main reason chocolate is harmful to dogs is because it contains two toxic chemicals: theobromine and caffeine, both of which are classified as methylxanthines.

So when dogs eat brownies, they get exposed to these chemicals. And they can cause various symptoms in dogs, including:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased thirst
  • Bloating
  • Restlessness
  • Hyperactivity
  • Increased urination
  • Drunken gait (ataxia)
  • Rigid limbs/muscles
  • Tremors
  • Seizures

It’s best to avoid exposing your dog to these chemicals.

Dark Chocolate Vs Milk Chocolate

There's a difference in toxicity between dark chocolate and milk chocolate. Dark chocolate contains higher amounts of theobromine and caffeine, making it more toxic to dogs than milk chocolate source.

Keep in mind that even a small amount of chocolate can be dangerous for our furry friends. Here's a simple comparison of the two types of chocolate:

Type of Chocolate Toxicity Level for Dogs
Dark Chocolate High
Milk Chocolate Moderate

Other Possible Treatments For Chocolate Poisoning

If your dog has eaten chocolate,  there are some treatment options to consider. In our experience, a dog eating brownies is more common than you’d imagine. So you’re not alone.

Some treatments recommended to me in the past by vets for when a dog eats chocolate include:

Activated Charcoal

One potential treatment the veterinarian may suggest is using activated charcoal. Administering activated charcoal can help absorb the toxins from the brownie.

It also can help decrease the amount of chocolate and other harmful substances my dog's system would have to process. Consult with a professional about this if you’re unsure what to do.

Intravenous Fluids

Another treatment that might be recommended is the application of intravenous fluids. If my dog has ingested a considerable amount of chocolate or xylitol, intravenous fluids can help support kidney function, maintain hydration, and facilitate the elimination of toxins faster.


Lastly, there are certain medications that the veterinarian may prescribe. For example, if my dog is experiencing seizures, the vet may give anti-seizure drugs to help control them.

Additionally, liver-protective drugs might be prescribed in case of xylitol ingestion to minimize the risk of liver damage. Remember, it's crucial to consult the veterinarian first and follow their advice. Seeking immediate professional help can save my dog's life and ensure their safety.

How To Prevent Brownie Eating Future Incidents

As a dog owner, I know keeping my furry friend safe and healthy is essential. Here are a few steps I suggest taking to prevent future incidents of your dog eating chocolate or other harmful substances.

Dog-Proof Your Home

One of the first things I recommend is to dog-proof your home. It's essential to ensure that potential hazards, such as chocolate, medications, and cleaning supplies, are out of your dog's reach. Some ideas for dog-proofing your home include:

  • Installing child-proof latches on cabinets
  • Keeping countertops clear of food items
  • Properly sealing trash cans with lids

Keep Chocolate Out Of Reach

Since chocolate is toxic to dogs, I always make sure to store it in a place that's inaccessible to my pet. This could mean placing chocolate in the following:

  • A high shelf or cupboard
  • A locked cabinet or drawer
  • A closed pantry with a secure latch

Training Techniques

In addition to taking precautions around the house, I've found that training my dog can help prevent future mishaps. Some useful training techniques include:

  • Teaching the "leave it" command, which tells your dog to step away from something they shouldn't eat
  • Rewarding your dog for good behavior, like ignoring tempting foods
  • Consistently supervising your dog, especially during meals and snack time

By taking these steps, I'm confident that any dog owner can prevent future incidents involving chocolate and other harmful substances.