How To Train A 1 Year Old Dog

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Key Takeaways

  • Understanding your dog's unique breed traits and personality aids effective, customized training.
  • Consistent, short training sessions combined with positive reinforcement yield the best results.
  • Patience, persistence, and celebrating small victories are crucial components in training a one-year-old dog.

Any expert would tell you to train a new dog as soon as possible. The same applies to dog owners with a 1-year-old. The best time to start is now. Here’s how.

To train a 1-year-old dog, start by observing your dog's behavior and noticing its bad habits. Then, create a training plan centered around obedience training and positive reinforcement. Stay consistent and keep training sessions short until they are socialized and properly potty trained.

Whether you're dealing with a newly adopted pet or a pup you've raised from a tender age, our guide will shed light on understanding your dog's breed traits, implementing positive reinforcement, and ensuring consistency for optimal results. Read on to unravel the joy of shaping your furry friend's behavior while strengthening your lifelong bond.

In this article

How To Train A 1 Year Old Dog (Complete Guide)

Training a 1-year-old dog can be an exciting and rewarding experience for you and your canine companion. At this stage in their development, dogs have boundless energy and are eager to learn.

However, it's important to approach their training in an organized and patient manner to achieve the best results. Otherwise, you could teach them some bad habits, and the dog training could backfire.

The good news is that a 1-year-old dog is still young enough, where training shouldn't be challenging. They’re still a young puppy, so learning basic commands, crate training, house training, etc., should not be a problem. Follow these basic steps to begin.

Understanding Your Dog

Before you dive into the training, take a moment to understand your dog's breed, personality, and behavior. Different breeds have different strengths, weaknesses, and training needs.

For example, working breeds like Border Collies or German Shepherds may need a lot more mental and physical exercise than a Bichon Frise or a Shih Tzu. Understanding your dog's breed-specific traits will help you customize your training methods and expectations.

Positive Reinforcement

The best method for training dogs of any age is through positive reinforcement. This involves rewarding good behavior, which encourages your dog to repeat it. The rewards can include treats, praise, or toys. If your dog refuses, stay consistent. They will catch on fast.

Keep the rewards varied to maintain your dog's interest and motivation. You can use dog food or treats. And don’t worry if your dog struggles at first. It’s possible to teach an old dog new tricks.

Consistent Training Sessions

Make training a regular part of your routine. Short but consistent training sessions, about 10 to 15 minutes, a few times a day will prove more beneficial than infrequent, longer sessions. Consistency also extends to commands and rules.

Everyone in the family should use the same words for each command to avoid confusing the dog. This is also when you can incorporate proper training techniques and crate training.


Socializing your one-year-old dog is critical for its overall behavior and well-being. Make sure they meet different people, dogs, and other animals, as well as encounter a variety of environments.

When your dog gets better social skills, you can extend training sessions too. This exposure can help your dog feel more comfortable and confident in different situations.

Basic Obedience Commands

Start with the basics such as 'sit,' 'stay,' 'come,' 'down,' and 'leave it.' These are not only useful in day-to-day life but are also essential for your dog's safety. Be patient, and remember to reward your dog each time they successfully follow a command.

Puppy training is not complete without thorough obedience training. The last thing you want is an adult dog that does not understand how to sit, stay, or lie down on your command.

Leash Training

Leash training is crucial for any dog, ensuring your walks are enjoyable for both of you. Teach your dog to walk beside you without pulling on the leash. Use treats or toys to keep their focus and reward them when they walk nicely.

Avoid Negative Reinforcement

Punishment or negative reinforcement can cause fear and anxiety in dogs, leading to undesirable behaviors. If your dog makes a mistake, redirect them to the correct behavior and reward them for getting it right.

Instead of getting angry, understand why your dog might behave a certain way. It could be due to stress, boredom, fear, or health issues.

Hire a Professional Trainer

If you're struggling to train your dog or facing specific behavioral issues, consider seeking help from a professional dog trainer. They have the expertise to handle various situations and can provide valuable guidance.

This is optional. You can also opt for dog training classes instead. I’ve seen good results doing this because dog training classes provide some socialization as well, so your dog can learn a lot faster.

Patience and Persistence

Remember, patience and persistence are essential when training your one-year-old dog. Each dog learns at their own pace, and training is a process, not a one-time event.

Celebrate the small victories, enjoy the bonding experience, and remember that consistency will pay off in the long run.

Basic Commands Every 1-Year-Old Dog Should Know

Teaching your dog basic commands lays the foundation for effective communication and control. These commands include sit, stay, and come when called.

Teaching Your Dog to Sit

To teach your dog to sit, hold a treat close to its nose and slowly move it back over its head. As their nose follows the treat, their bottom will naturally lower into a sitting position. Immediately reward them with the treat and praise when they achieve the sitting position.

Repeat this process multiple times, gradually reducing the use of treats and relying more on verbal praise. Eventually, your dog will associate the command "sit" with the desired action and respond accordingly.

Training Your Dog to Stay

Training your dog to stay is an essential command for their safety and your peace of mind. Start by commanding your dog to sit. Once they are seated, extend your arm in front of you with your palm facing them and say, "Stay" in a firm but calm voice.

Take a step back and immediately return to your dog's side. If they remain sitting, reward them with praise and a treat. Gradually increase the distance and duration of the "stay" command, always rewarding your dog for following the command.

Instructing Your Dog to Come When Called

The recall command is vital for keeping your dog safe in various situations. Start indoors or in a confined area where there are minimal distractions. Say your dog's name followed by the command "come" in an enthusiastic tone.

As your dog approaches you, reward them with a treat and praise. Repeat this exercise, gradually increasing the distance and distractions. Always reward your dog for coming to you, reinforcing that responding to the command is rewarding.

House Training Your 1-Year-Old Dog

Establishing a bathroom routine and addressing accidents in the house are fundamental aspects of training your 1-year-old dog.

Establishing a Bathroom Routine

Take your dog outside frequently, especially after meals and naps, to a designated bathroom area. Use a consistent command, such as "Go potty," to reinforce the purpose of the outing. When your dog eliminates in the appropriate area, praise and reward them with a treat.

If your dog has an accident indoors, clean it up promptly without scolding them, as punishment may confuse them. Instead, focus on reinforcing the desired behavior by redirecting them to the appropriate spot outdoors.

Dealing with Accidents in the House

If your dog has an accident indoors, clean the area thoroughly to remove any lingering scent. This helps prevent them from returning to the same spot in the future. Consider using an enzymatic cleaner designed for pet accidents to eliminate odors.

Potty training is vital for a young puppy. This is the primary reason a professional dog trainer recommends you start training your animal as early as possible.

Socializing Your Dog

Socializing your 1-year-old dog is crucial for their overall well-being and ability to interact with other dogs and people calmly and safely.

Introducing Your Dog to Other Animals

Gradually expose your dog to other animals, starting with calm and friendly ones. Use positive reinforcement techniques and treats to reward good behavior during these introductions. Supervise all interactions and provide a safe and controlled environment.

Helping Your Dog Get Comfortable Around People

Introduce your dog to various individuals of different ages and appearances. Encourage them to approach and interact with people positively and be friendly. Reward calm and appropriate behavior with treats and praise.

Training a 1-year-old dog requires consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. With dedication and the proper techniques, you'll be able to shape your dog's behavior and strengthen your bond for years to come.

How Long Does It Take To Train A 1 Year Old Dog?

If your one-year-old dog already has some basic training, you might see improvement in as little as a few weeks. If you're starting from scratch, basic obedience training, like teaching your dog to sit, stay, and come, usually takes about four to six weeks, practicing consistently every day.

More complex behaviors like leash manners, polite greetings, or addressing minor behavioral issues could take a few months to master. Some advanced behaviors and skills, such as agility training, service or therapy dog training, or correcting significant behavioral issues, may take six months to a year or more.

Remember that each dog is an individual, and what works quickly for one dog may take longer for another. Patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are critical factors to success in dog training.